These websites provide information about choosing a college, and some include a tool to search school databases based on your own personal selection criteria.
Clicking on a link will open it in a new tab or window, depending on your browser settings.
College Answer: The Planning for College Destination
Prepare for college admission (self assessment, standardized exams, etc.), select a school, get help with the application process, and find financial aid
College Navigator
Search for colleges with multiple variables, including expenses, majors, athletics, campus security, and retention
College Planning Help for Families
Members of the Higher Education Consultants Association have provided several articles to help students and their families get started with the college admissions process
Colleges That Change Lives
Different perspectives on choosing a college’s Optional List
Provides listings for over 750 schools that are test-optional
FastWeb: Scholarship, Financial Aid, Student Loans and Colleges
Search for financial aid and colleges
National Survey of Student Engagement
Provides an alternative view of schools based on teaching and learning
Peterson’s Planner
Prepare for standardized tests, search for financial aid and colleges, and find summer programs for high school students
The College Board
The official website of the SAT provides information about taking the SAT exam and more. You can even learn more about the entire college planning process, including searching for a college and learning more about financial aid.
Western Graduate Exchange
Students who are residents of western states may enroll at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state at a reduced tuition rate.