Over the past several years, the high cost of college and increased levels of debt to pay for it have inspired many to wonder whether a degree is really worth the financial burden.
Some Summer Scholarships Still Available
Take a Look at Still-Available Scholarships with Summer Deadlines.
Yet Another Reason to Clean Up your Facebook Page….
It’s not just admissions counselors looking at your social media….scholarship providers reveal that they, too, use it as a screening method.
Common FAFSA Errors, and How to Avoid Them
What You’ll Need to Fill Out the FAFSA
What You’ll Need to Have Readily Available to Complete your FAFSA Form
What WUE Can Do for You
The Western Undergraduate Exchange – What It Is, What it Does, and Who is Eligible
What’s a Net Price Calculator?
The Net Price Calculator: What it is, What it Does, and What it Means for You
Look Beyond Standard Scholarships
How to find (and obtain) unconventional scholarships.
Sense vs. Cents: Is a College Degree Worth It?
Musings on the value of a college education in the wake of nationwide tuition hikes, with additional info on financial aid, scholarships and other funding.
How Can an Independent College Counselor Assist You in the College Application Process?
Independent college counselors provide a myriad of services aimed at helping students and their families navigate the entire college admissions process. Learn more about what we can do to help you through this exciting (and often stressful) period in your lives!