It’s Spring. The weather’s heating up and thoughts of the the lazy days of summer begin to tease your brain. In addition to lounging by the pool, finding a summer job, and getting together with friends, make room for a little college planning in your schemes.
Sophomores, use your summer to check out college websites and visit local colleges to get an idea of what kinds of college environments interest you. Include internships, camps, and volunteer opportunities in your summer plans. They’ll benefit you and show colleges that you’re willing to get involved.
Juniors, take advantage of summer free time to start your college applications. Write a personal essay or study for the SAT and ACT. You’ll be so much better prepared than your friends who wait for Fall.
Seniors, attend college orientation and prepare yourself for the big step by enrolling in college preparation seminars. Learn college study skills and valuable budgeting techniques to ready yourself for your entry into adulthood.
For more information on what you can do to prepare yourself for college, visit our website,, or email Lisa Hatch at